Adding Rune Overlap? Start the last questionnaire before launching Dia 2 reservoir

Diablo 2: The reservoir will conduct a survey for the world's users. Before the release, users are to collect what users want for the game.

Blizzard Entertainment has conducted a survey on users who participated in Diablo 2: Lipid Lipid Limited. The survey is based on the disclosure testing on the last 21 days and 72 hours, and it is the purpose of focusing on the feedback mentioned in the community such as new content, balance, inventory, and interface.

The main items of the survey are as follows. From the opinions on new changes, such as gem and rune overlapping, inventory item automatic alignment function, the addition of true dedicated inventory, the preferred survey was made for those who wanted to add a new change in new changes, such as skills, items, and runewands. In addition, there is a variety of fields and content.

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Diablo 2: The reservoir production team has received an inventory expansion request from users after the technical alpha ending, but it is unchecked that there is no change plan. It was why it could affect the end content balance, including. However, since the test is steadily, the feedback related to the inventory and the convenience of the test is exhausted, and it is expected to have been conducted on the last depth survey before the launch.

Diablo Series Ready 2: Leiferation 2: Reservoir is released on September 23rd. This survey will be released later on how this survey will be reflected in the game.


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