Horizon Forbidden West: Rumor: postponed at the beginning of 2022

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The publication of Horizon Forbidden West (from 79.98 € at pre-order) is probably moved to the first quarter of 2022 (January to March) according to Jason Schreier by Bloomberg. The usually well-informed and networked screens relies on information of an insider source, which should be familiar with the decision. Thus, Jason Schreier attacked a rumor of Jeff Grubb. Apparently, Sony should have taken the decision for a long time ago. An official announcement of the publisher is still out. So far it was said that the second adventure of Aloy should appear at Christmas time 2021. > > > > > To Clarify One Question: It Seems Like The Original Rumor What That Sony Hadn't Decided Yet, But My Understanding is that the Game What Delayed A Little While Ago. > > - Jason Schreier (@jasonschreifer) July 30, 2021


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