Jurassic World Evolution 2: Developers set Mosasaurus and T

With Jurassic World Evolution 2 , the British Developer Studio Frontier Developments currently creates the official successor to the popular strategy title.

As already promised as part of the official announcement, we are allowed to look forward to more than 70 different dinosaur species in Jurassic World Evolution 2 , among which also various new entries are located. Among them the impressive Mosasaurus, who made the oceans of the earth uncertain about 83 to 66 million years ago and, according to researchers, could bring it to a length of up to 18 meters. A freshly published trailer now allows you a first look at the Mosasaurus.

More dinosaurs and new features

In the increased number of dinosaurs, however, it will not remain in Jurassic World Evolution 2 . Instead, the developers of Frontier Developments promise a completely revised campaign, which should score even more features. Add to the new What if? - Scenarios where alternative stories are told in the underlying universe.

on the subject : Jurassic World Evolution 2: New dinosaurs, environments and more in gameplay video

Also from various technical and graphic improvements is speech. Jurassic World Evolution 2 will be available from 9 November 2021 for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X / S.

Update: The second video of this kind went to the start. This time, the T-Rex are on the series.

Further news about Jurassic World Evolution 2.

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