Steam gets rid of games based on cryptolts and NFT tokenes
Un jeton non fongible, (NFT, de l’anglais non-fungible token) est un type spécial de jeton cryptographique qui représente un objet numérique tels une image, une vidéo, un fichier audio, auquel est rattaché une identité numérique qui est reliée à un ensemble non vide de propriétaires. Son authentification est validée grâce au protocole d’une blockchain qui lui accorde par là même sa première valeur. Les jetons non fongibles ne sont donc pas interchangeables. Cela contraste avec les crypto-monnaies comme le Bitcoin et de nombreux jetons utilitaires (utility token) qui sont fongibles par nature. Ainsi, la valeur de cet objet varie en fonction du cours de la cryptomonnaie qu’il représente mais surtout en fonction de sa valeur intrinsèque, de par son originalité et sa rareté. C’est le jeu de l’offre et de la demande à l’instar du marché de l’art ou des collectionneurs.
There are more and more MMO games based on Blockchain technology, right? We regularly learn that a production of digging a cryptowalut or earning them whether to sell objects, characters or other elements as NFT tokens. Some of them also appeared on the steam, but there will not be any more. Why?
Valve Updated Steam regulations and reported that Blockchain-based games, cryptosal, whether NFT tokens can not be available on their platform. Why? The company does not want the productions available on steam containing things about real value in the real world. I am talking about trading through their platform to things other than digital. Crypt-threefold, whether NFT tokens can be replaced with real cash, which is a problem for Valve.
It is worth adding here that in principle an account on steam, skins from CS: Go and other items also have a real value , because they can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars on auctions. Nevertheless, these are external platforms, and for blockchina-based games, such transactions take place inside their system. That s why Valve does not want it. Is it good or bad? Rate yourself.
Interestingly, Epic decided to work the opposite. As far as their games do not rely on Blockchin, yes the company is open to new technologies and does not bend on Epic Games Store of such production, unlike Steam. Of course, provided these titles will observe all regulations.
What does this mean for us? Such Ember Sword will not appear on the steam, but on Epic Games Store can still.
Community: A FeW Minutes Ago, We Were Notified That @Steam Will Be Kicking ALL Blockchain Games Off the Platform, Including Age of Rust, Because NFTS Have Value. Behind The Scenes, We ve Had Good Communication and Have Been Upfront with Steam. blockchaingames nft 1/4
- Age of Rust (@SpacePirate IO) October 14, 2021
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